Medical Image Database (MID) is an online journal (ISSN 2602-0459, ISSN-L 2602-0459) that publishes significant medical image-articles. There are a lot of situations where the clinician is in front of a particulary case that deserves to be disseminated. Each article contains an image and a description of a maximum of 250 words so that their reading is easy and accessible.
MID uses double-blind review, which implies that the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers, nor the reviewers know the identity of the authors.
MID is an open access journal, which means that all journal articles are free to access immediately upon publication without charge to the readers or institutions, in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. Non-commercial use and distribution are permitted, provided that proper credit is given to the author and the journal.
There are no submitting or publication charges.
All the photo will be verified for manipulation. Any photo with unexplained manipulation will be rejected.`
The description will be verified for plagiarism using the Plagscan platform, with the accepted plagiarism percentage being at most 3%.
Indexed in Google Scholar, I2OR and SIS.